prove tecniche di progettazione
Mentre si moltiplicano i bandi in uscita e in scadenza (vedere in calce i dettagli), è in pieno svolgimento la condivisione del percorso di costruzione di un nuovo progetto europeo tra i comuni di Halmstad (Svezia), Collegno (It), Bielefeld (De) e Barsov (Ro).
Nel frattempo si moltiplicano le scadenze e i bandi in uscita; di seguito ne condivido alcuni:
VT/2015/025 Support for developing better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building
VT/2015/067 Preparatory action: "Social Solidarity for social integration"
VP/2015/006 EaSI-EURES: Targeted mobility scheme - Your first EURES job
Erasmus+ :
KA1: Mobility of individuals, Learning mobility of individuals, Youth - 26 April 2016
KA2: Co-operation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships, Higher education, vocational education and training, schools, adult education, and applications for strategic partnerships in more than one field including youth - 31 March 2016
KA2: Co-operation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Youth - 26 April 2016
KA3: Support for policy reform, Structured dialogue, Youth - 26 April 2016
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